Friday, December 2, 2011

Review of Everneath by Brodi Ashton

I have to say thanks to HarperCollins for giving me the chance to review this book through Net Galley.Especially since I'm new to the blogging scene.
We begin with Nikki Becketts,"Becks", a seventeen-year-old girl who finds that after choosing to Forfeit herself to an Everliving to escape the pain and heartache of life, the easy way out was not the best choice. Despite choosing to go with Cole who could drain all of her emotions she still woke with Jack,her high school sweetheart,on her mind. And she woke from the Feed with her youth still intact.Both of those facts were not the usual outcome for a Forfeit. She decides to leave the Everneath in hopes to restore happiness to her family and have a proper goodbye with friends and family. Now she only has six months to accomplish this before the Tunnels of the Everneath will claim her debt forever.
I'll admit the back and forth between the present and before the Feed was a little disorienting at first. But once I got the rhythm down I could appreciate the way the author used the changes in time perspective to tell the story without me being able to guess what the out come would be. I loved both Cole and Jack and still haven't decided who i'm pulling for. I'm not very informed about mythology but was given enough explantion in the story to understand how it was used in the story. And even felt enclined to read up on Mythology a little.
Overall i would deffinitely recommend the book.And I look forward very much to reading the next one.
Great job Brodi Ashton on your debut novel.

1 comment:

  1. I got this one from Netgalley but haven't read it yet. not sure I will have time. :P


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